Home Training & Drills Night Vision Training: Rent Before You Regret! Tips from the Pros

Night Vision Training: Rent Before You Regret! Tips from the Pros

by Firearms Depot

When it comes to night vision training, making an informed choice can be the difference between success and disappointment. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the critical importance of renting night vision gear before investing your hard-earned money. You’ll discover why renting before buying is essential for you in this video with Jon Faulkner of Firearms Depot and Sam Houston of Greenline Tactical.

The Costly Mistake: Buying Blind

The video shares a cautionary tale of an individual who purchased night vision gear without fully understanding what they needed. This not only hindered their training but also affected the experience of others in the class. It’s a common scenario: someone eager to jump into the world of night vision purchases equipment based on criteria they barely comprehend.

The Value of Trying Before Buying

The message is crystal clear: “Don’t throw money at a problem you don’t fully understand.” Instead, it’s recommended that you rent night vision gear to determine what suits you best. Greenline Tactical offers the opportunity to test various setups, ensuring you make an informed decision. Whether it’s dual tubes, OpsCore or Team Wendy bump helmets, or different mounts and accessories, renting allows you to experience the gear firsthand.

The Benefits of Renting

Renting night vision gear offers several significant advantages for you:

  1. Knowledge Gain: By renting, you get to learn about the gear’s functionality, ergonomics, and performance in real-world scenarios.
  2. Cost Savings: Spending a couple of hundred dollars on rentals can save you from making a costly mistake when purchasing equipment that doesn’t meet your needs.
  3. Preference Discovery: Trying different gear helps you determine your preferences, whether you prefer green or white phosphor, monocular or binocular setups, and other specifications.
  4. Expert Advice: Instructors can guide you in making the right choices based on your training goals.

Night Ops Summit: Elevate Your Night Vision Game

For those seeking intensive night vision training, Greenline Tactical hosts the Night Operations Summit, which includes 48+ hours of training in various night vision scenarios. The event is a great opportunity to refine your skills and network with like-minded individuals. We are proud to be the title sponsor of this event!


In the world of night vision training, knowledge is power, and renting before buying is the key to informed decision-making. Whether you plan to take a Greenline Tactical class or simply want to expand your night vision expertise, heed the advice shared in this video.

Remember, your investment in night vision gear is an investment in your capabilities, and making the right choice can make a world of difference in your training and performance. So, before you take the plunge, rent, learn, and choose wisely. Your night vision journey will be all the better for it.

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