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What Suppressor(s) Should You Buy First?

by Firearms Depot

For those new to this market, the thought of owning a suppressor might seem daunting, especially considering the $200 tax stamp and the long wait times of the past. But with quicker processing times, many shooters are now willing to invest in a suppressor and overcome the initial hurdles.

Categories of Suppressors

When it comes to choosing your first suppressor, it’s important to understand the different categories available:

  1. Rimfire Suppressors: Ideal for .22 caliber rifles and pistols, 17 HMR, and more. These are great for reducing noise and are perfect for target shooting and small game hunting.
  2. Pistol Suppressors: Designed for calibers like 9mm and .45 ACP, these cans can sometimes be used with subsonic rounds to reduce noise significantly. However, they tend to be longer due to the need for more baffles to achieve hearing-safe levels.
  3. Rifle Suppressors: These can handle a range of calibers from 5.56 to .50 cal. They are excellent for reducing recoil and flash, making them popular for tactical and precision shooting.

Versatility and Multi-Caliber Options

For those looking to maximize their investment, a multi-caliber suppressor might be the best option. For instance, the SilencerCo Hybrid 46 is a versatile can that handles everything from .45 ACP to .458 SOCOM, and even down to 5.56 and .22 caliber rifles. While it may not be the quietest for some calibers due to its large bore size (versus a caliber-specific choice), its ability to adapt to multiple firearms makes it a great all-around suppressor.

Practical Tips for New Buyers

  1. Research and Choose Wisely: Since suppressors are a significant investment, it’s crucial to do your homework and choose one that fits your primary use. Whether it’s for a pistol, rifle, or rimfire, ensure you understand the specifications and capabilities.
  2. Consult Experts: Our customer service team at Firearms Depot frequently fields questions about suppressors, and we’re here to help you make an informed decision.
  3. Understand the Process: The acquisition process is now more streamlined. Many reputable FFLs offer eForm submissions, which include digital fingerprints and passport photos. This helps speed up the approval process significantly.
  4. Consider Multi-Caliber Options: If you plan to use a suppressor on multiple firearms, a multi-caliber option can provide flexibility and save you money in the long run.
  5. Practical Usage: Remember that while suppressors reduce noise, they’re not a cure-all. High-velocity rounds will still produce a sonic crack, and proper ear protection is still recommended in many cases.

Final Thoughts

Owning a suppressor can enhance your shooting experience by reducing noise, recoil, and muzzle flash. As the process to acquire them becomes easier, now is an excellent time to consider adding one to your collection. At Firearms Depot, we’re committed to helping you navigate the world of suppressors and find the perfect fit for your needs. Get in touch if you’re ready to dive into the wide world of suppressors!

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